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IB design front office wooden office designs   - - السعودية

رمز الإعلان: 383343
10,000 ريال سعودي (SAR)
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IB design front office wooden office designs  

! Here's some more information about IB Design and the services we offer 1. Customized Designs: At IB Design, we specialize in creating customized designs that reflect your unique style and preferences. We believe that every office space should be a reflection of your brand identity and create a welcoming atmosphere for your clients and employees. 2. High-Quality Materials: We use premium quality materials, particularly MDF wood, to ensure durability, elegance, and a touch of sophistication in our designs. Our team pays meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship to deliver exceptional results. 3. Diverse Range of Projects: Whether you're looking for interior designs for executive offices, hotels, corporate spaces, or cafes, we have the expertise to cater to your specific needs. Our team is experienced in creating innovative and functional designs for various industries. 4. Collaborative Approach: We believe in collaborative design processes, where we work closely with our clients to understand their vision, requirements, and budget. Our goal is to transform your ideas into reality while providing expert guidance and suggestions throughout the project. 5. Client Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to exceed expectations by delivering high-quality designs within agreed timelines. Our aim is to create spaces that not only meet your functional needs but also inspire and leave a lasting impression. 6. Seamless Communication: We understand the importance of effective communication in ensuring a smooth design process. Our team is readily available to answer any queries, address concerns, and provide regular project updates, ensuring that you're informed and involved at every stage. Whether you're seeking a modern, luxurious office design or a captivating interior for your hotel or café, IB Design is here to bring your vision to life. Contact us today at +966599945773

السعر: 10,000 ريال سعودي (SAR)
رمز الإعلان: 383343
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2023.10.28
  • الدولة
  • السعودية Saudi Arabia
  • المدينة:
  • Jeddah
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.
الغرض: معروض للبيع
التواصل سيكون مع المالك

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رسالة من إدارة الموقع: رجاءاً كن حذراً من اي نصب. لا تقوم بارسال مال أو معلومات شخصية لأي شخص او مؤسسة مشبوهه أو غير موثوقة. من الصعب على إدارة الموقع التاكد من هوية كل معلن أو قانونية وشرعية ما يقدمة. لا تقوم بأخد إي دواء دون إستشارة طبيب.
