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Work From Home Opportunities  - الرياض - السعودية

رمز الإعلان: 364461
10 دولار أمريكي (USD)

Work From Home Opportunities 

If you love social media and are an active user, now is the time to get paid for your time on social media platforms! Social Media Evaluators have a direct impact on the effectiveness and relevancy of the service these companies provide. The Social Media Evaluator is a work-from-home opportunity where all you need is a computer or smartphone and the desire to make a positive impact while working in the social media platforms you enjoy. We are still massively hiring and looking for more people to apply to our great opportunities, you can also invite your friends, as many as you like so they can also experience the opportunity to earn extra income while being at home! Qualifications: • Active social media accounts. • No work experience or college degree is required. • Fluency in English and/or your locale language • Access to a computer and/or a smartphone • Access to a secure high-speed internet connection and a quiet workspace Perks: • Flexible working hours • Work from home • You can apply/work while you are working full time or studying! • Apply many projects as many as you can! Register through the link below. 8b734236936d9fcd94c3b365a7b80 Interested? Click the Apply button and submit your interest. Once you complete the registration process, you will be able to receive feedback via email or direct through the Appen Connect platform. If you are interested in also applying for other projects, click the 'All Projects' Tab then you will see the "Continue" button on the right side of the "Unlock More Projects Complete your profile", complete the required information to unlock more projects. Once you COMPLETED all the details, make sure to SUBMIT it and you will be notified via email after we process your application. Thank you and we hope to work with you soon! “A diverse, inclusive culture is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all ab

السعر: 10 دولار أمريكي (USD)
رمز الإعلان: 364461
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2022.08.09
  • الدولة
  • السعودية Saudi Arabia
  • المحافظة
  • الرياض
  • المدينة:
  • Riyadh
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.
الغرض: job vacancy
التواصل سيكون مع employer

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» شاهد إعلانات أخرى مشابهة وقد تجد ماتبحث عنه

رسالة من إدارة الموقع: رجاءاً كن حذراً من اي نصب. لا تقوم بارسال مال أو معلومات شخصية لأي شخص او مؤسسة مشبوهه أو غير موثوقة. من الصعب على إدارة الموقع التاكد من هوية كل معلن أو قانونية وشرعية ما يقدمة. لا تقوم بأخد إي دواء دون إستشارة طبيب.
